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Collectible Trade-ins

by Syntaxvgm on Jan 31, 2023

Move a spawner

5 Collectibles

To trade in for a moved spawner, find a spawner and put a sign on it with your name. Note its location.

Find out where you want to place it. Be careful- all moves are final! Place a red stained glass where you want it. Note the EXACT location
(see 'looking at' in f3)

Place the 5 collectibles you want to trade in a shulker, note the location.

Make a ticket formatted something like this-

I would like to trade in for a spawner.

Collectibles are at

Spawner is at

Spawner goes at


Summon a mob

3 Collectibles

Summon any 1 mob available in the game of minecraft, sans enderdragon, elder guardian, or Warden. Summon only in areas you own or have permission to place said mob.
This includes the following unused mobs- Killer bunny, Illusioner

To trade in for mob summon, place the 3 collectibles in a shulker and note the location. Also note where you want the mob.

Make a ticket formatted something like this-

I would like to summon a [mob] at X Y Z
Collectibles are at

Screenshots help if the mob goes in a complex setup like a shulker farm.
You can attach images to tickets once they are open.

Create an end portal

12 Collectibles

There are limited end portals, and someone may have beaten you to making base on one in an area you like.

Your end portal placement must meet the following requirements-
End portals must be placed on your base, a farm you own, or otherwise somewhere you own sufficiently away from spawn.

End portals may not be placed in the nether.

You may place an end portal at your shop, but it must be hidden in such a way that a player would not stumble upon it unless they knew where to look.
A secret basement is preferred in such case.

The end portal must be protected from entities like items and mobs, as they will end up on the end platform right where people spawn, and pile up if the end is unloaded.

To place an end portal, find out where you want it and place 12 end stone in the shape of an end portal. Note the location.
Place the 12 collectibles in a shulker and note the location of that as well.

Make a ticket formatted something like this-

I would like to have an end portal portal summoned, shown by the marked blocks at X Y Z.

The collectibles are at X Y Z

1.14 God armor

5 Collectibles per piece

Get god armor as if this world was around since 1.14.

God armor will come exactly as if it was made in 1.14, with the same repair cost and everything for a set without thorns. Modern enchants like swift sneak and soul speed can be applied carefully. We will not reset botched enchant jobs, so enchant wisely. A set has been left in the plan server in the room of knowledge. Test it there or save it to your hotbar to test it in singleplayer to make sure the enchants and the way you apply them will work.

A full set is 20 collectibles, and a set without a chest piece is 15. The latter is what most people get.

To trade in for 1.14 God Armor, place the required collectibles in a shulker and note the location.

Make a ticket formatted something like this-

I would like to trade in for god armor, I'd like [pieces]. The collectibles are at X Y Z

Heart of the Sea

3 Collectibles for 5 hearts

Because of a current bug that requires disabling treasure maps, hearts have become too hard to get.

Please note that there is a fix for this bug, and at some point it will be fixed here, so don't complain if you spend collectibles on them then it get fixed later

To trade in for Hearts of the Sea, place the required collectibles in a shulker and note the location.

Make a ticket formatted something like this-

I would like to trade in for the 5 Hearts of the Sea. The collectibles are at X Y Z

If you were a block, I'd put you on my shelf and cherish you like I cherish all of our blocks.